Zureck Logisitik Transport Schwerlasttransport Logo

we simplify logistics

Heavy haulage transport / Heavy haulage management

We at Zureck live and breathe heavy haulage and we love challenging projects. We organise the entire transport. Our fleet of BF3 and BF4 escort vehicles will then get your goods to their destination safely and on time.

Heavy haulage project managers

Andreas Gorke
Project Manager International Heavy Haulage

Karsten Döring
Dispatch Manager
BF3/BF4/Auxiliary police escorts

Christoph Zureck
Project Manager Major Projects
Managing Director

Everything to ensure smooth transportation

A strong community

We transport an Airbus A310

Overland, of course, on several axles to Serengeti Park.

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A new footbridge for Brandenburg an der Havel

Everything went smoothly.
Closed roads. Zureck’s support crew had already been on the road three hours in advance to protect road signs and traffic islands along the route for the heavy haulage transport. This gave the driver, so to speak, a clear path at night. Zureck’s team brought the new bridge safely to its destination.

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